The edited version of my review can be found at WHYY's NewsWorks New Jersey. Quotes from Diane Ravitch and Helen Gym were cut from my original for length.
Diane Ravitch's Reign of Error May Awaken the Sleeping Giant in the Education Reform Debate -- Public School Parents
It wasn’t long ago that I had never heard of Diane Ravitch.
I had kids in New Jersey public schools, a teacher husband,
and even worked a brief stint in the for-profit education world as the Director
of two different Sylvan Learning Centers in New York City, but my depth of
knowledge about public education was embarrassingly shallow.

Then in April of 2011 I happened to catch WHYY’s Terry Gross interview
Dr. Ravitch on Fresh Air.
And suddenly everything made sense.
She explained that charter schools had veered significantly
from their original intent. She warned that charters had morphed into “an enormous entrepreneurial activity” and that charters no
longer saw “themselves as collaborators with public schools but business
This was exactly what was happening in my town.
A charter was moving in and it seemed there was nothing we could do to stop it.
I reached out to Dr. Ravitch via social media
for help and advice. With her encouragement, I rallied my entire community, and
neighboring communities as well, and before I knew it we had defeated the
It was an incredible journey from everyday parent to public
education advocate. I am quite certain that were it not for Dr. Ravitch, and
her belief that ordinary parents have the power to turn the tide on the
corporate reform movement, my daughters’ schools would now be financially
devastated by a charter my town didn’t need or want.
I asked Dr. Ravitch for her thoughts on the role of parents
in districts like Philadelphia, districts facing the destructive effects of
years of failed reforms.
“Parents are
the sleeping giant in the current debate about the future of public education.
So-called reformers discredit and silence the voices of teachers, unfairly
claiming that they are more interested in their pension than their pupils. But
no one dare question the desire of parents to demand good schools, properly
funded by the state, for their children. Philadelphia's biggest problem is the
deliberate neglect by the state, which has ignored its constitutional
obligation to fully fund a good education for all children.”
There is no better example of the decimation wrought by hapless
reform than the current crisis in Philadelphia. And there is no better example
of a parent advocate fighting for the educational rights of all children, not
just her own, than Philadelphia’s Helen Gym of Parents United for Public Education. I wanted to know her opinion on how the corporate reform agenda has impacted Philadelphia’s
public schools, and how Dr. Ravitch has influenced her own advocacy work.

In Reign of Error, The Hoax of the
Privatization Movement and the Danger to Our Public Schools, Dr. Ravitch makes
it clear that the current reform agenda, consisting of high-stakes standardized
testing, charters, vouchers, parent trigger legislation and school closures, does
little more than privatize our public schools and the money that flows through
them. The reform agenda does nothing to address the actual problem plaguing large,
urban districts like Philadelphia.
It does nothing to address poverty.
Dr. Ravitch makes it quite clear that school
reform alone will not lift children out of the cycle of poverty that plagues their
communities. “The reformers’ belief that fixing schools will fix poverty has no
basis in reality, experience, or evidence,” Ravitch writes in Reign of Error. “It
delays the steps necessary to heal our society and help children.”
She presents real solutions, not only to improve our
public schools, but also to improve the lives of the children who walk their
halls. She focuses on the whole child, calling for prenatal care for women to
reduce pre-term births, high-quality early childhood education, a rich
curriculum for all children, smaller class sizes, and the elimination of
high-stakes standardized testing.

Reformers have sold parents a narrative of
public school failure that has allowed them to seize control
of the conversation regarding how to “fix” our children’s “broken” schools. But
Dr. Ravitch demonstrates quite clearly in Reign of Error that our schools are
actually stronger than they've ever been, with higher achievement and
graduation rates for children across all demographic groups.
“Public education is not broken” she says, “It
is not failing or declining. The diagnosis is wrong, and the solutions of the
corporate reformers are wrong.”
The current state of the
Philadelphia school system should serve as a testament to the fact that the
last decade of corporate reform has left the majority of Philadelphia’s public
school children without the resources they need to succeed. Without a doubt, it
is time for a more balanced approach.
“The public is beginning to
understand, to see the pattern on the rug, and to realize that they are being
fooled into giving up what belongs to them.”
Parents, don’t be fooled by the
rhetoric and empty promises of the reform movement. We intrinsically know that
strong, healthy children thrive in a safe, clean neighborhood school with small
classes and a rich curriculum. This is what all children deserve, and we as
parents should accept nothing less for our own children, and want nothing less
for each and every child.
Ravitch’s appearance
this evening at the Philadelphia Free Library coincides with the release of Reign of Error.
I encourage parents to go
hear her, to grab a copy of her book and to read it from cover to cover. If you are concerned with
the current state of the Philadelphia public schools, and want to do something
to effect positive change, then really listen
to what she has to say.
I can almost guarantee that if
you do, she will awaken the “sleeping giant” within.